Is a 39-year-old Welsh tabby the world’s oldest cat? If Lucy is as old as her owners say she is, she’s the equivalent of over 170 human years old. Yet despite her advanced age and being a bit deaf, Lucy is still active — and a feared predator by mice in her garden in Llanelli, South Wales. Owner Bill Thomas, 63, inherited Lucy when his wife’s godmother, Maria, died in 1999. He didn’t realize the cat’s age until an elderly aunt came to visit and shared memories of Lucy going back to 1972. He said, “My aunt saw the cat and could not believe her eyes. “She could remember Lucy scampering around Maria’s fish and chip shop when she was a kitten back in 1972. We knew she was old – but not that old.” Bill took Lucy to the vet who was amazed by the cat’s long life. Bill said, “The vet said she was very old but it was not possible to give us an exact age. “Lucy has gone deaf but apart from that she is in good shape and extremely independent. “She is great with the grandchildren and still likes to patrol the garden every day looking for mice.” Until now the world’s oldest recorded cat was a pet called Creme Puff from Texas who lived for 38 years and three days. Bill said, “We have researched Lucy’s past and found she was born in Thomas Street, Llanelli in 1972. “We have spoken to other people who can verify seeing her in the fish and chip shop in the early seventies.” A spokesman for Guinness World Records said there was no entry for the world’s oldest cat. [SOURCE: The Daily Mail] |